About us

Our Story

 EverStar Medical Store established in 1994. It was the first medical store established next to the China Medical University. It mainly sells medical equipment and provides home care for the elderly and medical treatment products. We also provide wonderful services to our guests, and this concept has also encouraged us established Medical Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Our company is currently looking for innovative medical products and different quality services to serve customers, including marketing medical products for our agents. Our team is comprised of dedicated professionals, who have a patient focused mannerism, to provide convenient and high-quality health care experience. In addition to community with our clients, we are partnered with Dr.P, GK. However, we will not stop here. EverStar Medical Group is particularly proud of the following appreciated every customer who supports us, and the welling opportunity to assist us become more successful. 

Enterprise Mission
Provide innovation and quality service

  • 對顧客供應最高品質的產品和服務以符合顧客的需要。
  • 對社會秉持創新持續成長自有品牌及研發能力並經銷第一品牌銀髮族專用。
  • 對產品經銷第一品牌銀髮族專用,包大人紙尿褲系列產品。
  • 對價值使命信守承諾,專注創新,服務至上,持續推廣企業核心價值。
  • 對需求者 願景提供銀髮族系列產品立足台灣,並行銷世界各地。